Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's Contagious

It’s funny how few things catch people’s attention and stick like sealant refusing to go off but start spreading like wildfire instead, swallowing everyone coming in its way and growing over them every moment with no signs of slowing down even when one is not impressed with it at first, because that person doesn’t see it’s worth, however, it has such a great power, that person too becomes a victim of it unknowingly and oh, I am sorry, I should have mentioned in the beginning itself, I am talking about one sentence stories and lengthy sentences in novels which I first saw in Salman Rushdie’s book, brought to my notice by Ashwin, and the work of Gabriel Garcia, introduced to me by Ashwin agian, who turned out to be a master of lengthy sentences few running for 3 pages or even more, testing the reader’s patience, power to comprehend and their intelligence to make sense out of a sentence which conveys almost a story in it which I think is kind of crazy but it sticks like a sealant because it’s kind of cool to write long sentences and maybe that’s the reason why Ashwin started to attempt writing one sentence stories after reading Garcia and Rushdie, which inspired me to try my hands on it and my attempt has claimed its latest victim in the form of one of my friends, Guru Prasad who recently wrote a blog, a whole story in fact, in one sentence and it’s making me feel that at least one among the followers of Guru’s blog will attempt to write one sentence story or blog and in this way, I think, it will continue on and on and proliferate the number of people who love reading lengthy sentences and bloggers and writers who love to write them, sometimes one whole story or a message in one single sentence.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

On The Way

I race through the twists and turns of Kashedi ghat while the Sun keeps going down faster and faster but I reach the top of the hill before he leaves for the day and thought I should break for few minutes to catch up with a cup of tea and a cigarette, two best friends when you are riding for hours, only to realize there was something more waiting for me in the store, a beauty that she was, eye catching, breath taking, a simple and beautiful village girl fresh and unspoiled, like a breath of fresh air, I smelled the aroma of real beauty, aroma of a natural beauty against all the artificial perfumes and cosmetics you smell around the usual ones you find in cities, and was captivated by her charming smile and of course her glance that made my heart go pounding faster each second, for myself I thought, I could spend all my life here if for her, to be with her every moment for she was such a beauty I shouldn’t be guilty if I had grabbed her in my arms and kissed her but it takes more than just a crazy feeling to do that especially when the girl’s father notices something unusual when a guy sticks the unlit cigarette between his lips and is lost somewhere only to realize that the chap was lost in his daughter's eyes and the girl too is exchanging a few glances now and then with an intriguing smile on her face and as he notices he widens his eyes with angry and signals his daughter to leave the store which makes me feel a bit uncomfortable with the goings and I try finish the cigarette and tea in my hands quickly and get ready to leave but try to catch a last glance of her before I leave and my eyes start searching for her all around and then, there she is standing behind the window, giving me a look that made my heart melt with pain, for we both knew by then that we like each other but I am just a traveller and that was how close I could get and not more, I tell her with my guilty filled eyes as I put on my jacket and start the engine to continue my racing through the twists and turns of Kashedi ghat.