Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Gullible generation and the evil of Social Democracy!

In a village while rest of the villagers are lazing off, one farmer plows the land, sows seeds, grows crops and harvests it. Once it is harvested, rest of the village ask for their share because wealth is to be shared by all. Farmer declines and points out rest of the village wasting their time while they could've grown their own crops. They try to make the farmer feel guilty for not showing compassion. When he still doesn't budge, they pounce on the harvest and loot the farmer. Why?! Because, the land he grew on it is a natural resource and belongs to every person on earth.

Now, isn't that a fair world filled with compassion?! Well, that's what "socialist democracy" is in a nutshell.

With looting happening across US and Canada, just kept wondering where did our generation went outrageously dimwitted. Some of the journalists are justifying the loot and arson. It is very depressing when we reduce to a bunch of uncivilized brutes who have lost any sense of morality and conscience. More importantly basic intelligence.

If I sound ridiculous in the farmer's example, ask yourself if you're being ridiculous when you find yourself agreeing and getting carried away by someone complaining about 1% of population owning so and so percentage of wealth in a country. As a matter of fact, you are!

Look at this example, in 2013, Top 5 companies contributed 16% to Bharata's GDP. Isn't it obvious these companies are owned by individuals directly (Reliance) or indirectly (TATA Sons) and hence the wealth that comes with it?! If they decide to sell it off and distribute their net worth, those companies will worth rubble. Why does so many of our generation don't understand this simple concept is beyond my comprehension!

Some reference readings:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Little things (1)

[Wrote it years ago. Calling a blog 'Freedom of Thoughts' and not posting actual thoughts was a mistake. Here I'm correcting that mistake... Thanks to Google for keeping this intact]

Its amazing how small things make a huge difference to consumers. The point in question here is facebook videos.

People have option to post both external link to a video and or upload it in their video log. But, if you post only the link, the number of people who watch the video will be very minimal. Vice versa is not true. If video is embedded but no link is provided, it doesn't make any difference. Interestingly, all it takes is just one click to play the video either through opening a link or to play the embedded video.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Zorro and India

I was watching the dance scene of ‘The mask of Zorro’ and happened to remember one show aired on a TV channel a few years ago. I remember it because of the utter stupidity of the show.

It was during release of the movie ‘Spider Man 2’. This TV channel (I wouldn’t like to name it but just keep it in mind that it is one of those channels which we found “cool” during our teenage but later found out it is full of crap including its reality shows) made a show with 4 kids trying to portray their favourite superhero as the best. Now, when I say ‘Superheroes’, there are 3 names that will come to your mind, almost involuntarily, Batman, Spiderman and Superman. Some Indians may replace any of these names with ‘Krrish’ (I for one moron don’t how to spell his name).

Heaven knows why that TV channel selected four kids for that show and let me remind you it was before the Krrish era (I for one moron still don’t know how to spell his name J). They had to somehow bring one more superhero into that show. If I ask you now, I am sure you would scratch your head wondering who the fourth one will be despite the hint I gave in the beginning. It was ‘Zorro’.

I don’t refute if Zorro is a superhero. The thing that didn’t go well with me was the way ‘Zorro’ was enforced on the audience. As I said 90% of the audience to which the TV channel was catering was not aware of who on earth was Zorro. The funniest part is that the kid who was “supposed” to support Zorro also didn’t know who the hell Zorro was. It made for very funny scene when the other three kids were talking about the greatness of the respective superheroes they were supporting and this guy supporting Zorro didn’t utter a single word and just looked like an idiot on a national TV.

I am not talking here for that kid. The thing is, I still feel western culture(When I said ‘western culture’, I meant European and North American culture, don’t mistake it with South American or African, which is still west considering India’s geographical location, culture J) is enforced on most of the people in this country? I think some of these TV channels are doing so.

On an honest note, I didn’t know anything about Zorro apart from few things that there were few flops movies with Zorro as the protagonistJ. He had some Spanish or Portuguese connection and his name in Spanish meant ‘Fox’. To this day I fairly know anything more about him.